The Bernard Leach (St Ives) Trust is looking to appoint three new trustees to support the strategic development of the facility.

The Trust is especially interested in applicants who have skills and experience in the following areas:
- Local community, St Ives and Cornwall
- Studio ceramics practitioner, small scale production
- Fundraising
- Finance
- Museum collections management
- Retail and income generation
Knowledge, experience, or enthusiasm relating to modern studio ceramics and the story of Bernard Leach’s pioneering pottery is also an advantage.
The trustees currently meet quarterly. The post is voluntary and unpaid, but reasonable travel expenses incurred would be covered.
“We would actively encourage applications from young people and those with a diverse background,” said a spokesperson.
Anyone interested in applying to be a trustee should write a short letter outlining their interest and particular skills and send it, along with a CV, to by Sunday, 2nd June.