Cornwall Council leader Linda Taylor has been flying the flag for Cornwall in discussions with counterparts from Brittany, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Asturias and Galicia, at the inaugural Celtic Forum in Rennes.

Linda Taylor Celtic Forum
Linda Taylor signs the Celtic Forum’s Declaration of Rennes

The Celtic Forum aims to become an annual event. Representatives, including Wales first minister, Mark Drakeford, and deputy first minister of Scotland, Shona Robinson, took part, to lay the foundations for a new stage of cooperation between Celtic partners. All participants signed the Declaration of Rennes, setting out the scope of future cooperation. 

“Cornwall has a proud Celtic heritage,” said Linda. “We have many cultural links to other Celtic nations and regions, so strengthening our ties with them is a wonderful opportunity to plant the seeds for future collaborations, and for us to come together to build on our historical links.

“This new forum follows hot on the heels of the new and historic agreement to strengthen ties between Cornwall and Wales, which I was proud to sign on behalf of Cornwall alongside the first minister of Wales, the Rt Hon Mark Drakeford MS.”

The Celtic Forum saw representatives discussing:

  • Renewable energies, including opportunities for shared governance, skills development, and harbour infrastructures;
  • Youth mobility, with all participants keen on strengthening partnerships between universities to offer young people the experience of the other Celtic nations;
  • Culture — performing arts, music, and dance, with interest in promoting common heritage and stories as a drive for boosting visitor economies. 

Cllr Taylor also represented Cornwall as a keynote speaker at the Interceltic Business Conference, in Lorient. She discussed innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship between business leaders of the Celtic nations.

This is the first time that Cornwall has been represented at the conference, which offers the opportunity to talk about the distinctive opportunities that make Cornwall a great place to invest in and do business in. 

She also represented Cornwall at the opening ceremony of the Lorient Interceltic festival. This is a major event that brings together all Celtic nations to celebrate their culture and heritage. A delegation of Cornish musicians, dancers, and artists showcased Cornwall. 

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