A variety of organisations are to receive funding from Cornwall Council’s £1.8 million Culture and Creative Investment programme. Among them are the Bernard Leach (St Ives) Trust Ltd.

Leach Pottery
The programme aims to help to deliver creative and inclusive activities and events for communities all over the county.
Cornwall Council portfolio holder for neighbourhoods, Carol Mould, said: “One of this council’s priorities is to encourage vibrant, supportive communities, where people help each other live well.
“One way in which we can all come together to be engaged, educated, and entertained, is to experience the great wealth of culture and creativity that is synonymous with Cornwall.
“Creative organisations and groups applied to the Council’s Culture and Creative Investment programme and the standard was fantastically high.”
Quality and diversity
She added: “Through a careful and objective assessment process, which took into account geographical spread and a commitment to work with communities across Cornwall, we are able to offer financial support to 21 organisations totalling £1.8 million over the next four years.
“We received over 50 applications. The quality and diversity of the proposals was wonderful to see and reflects the richness of the cultural and creative sector in Cornwall.
“Unsuccessful applicants will, of course, be disappointed not to receive council funding or the full amount of funding that they bid for. This is no reflection on their excellent work in culture and the creative arts, and we hope to work with many of them to unlock other potential funding opportunities from partner organisations in the future.”