Pressure group Extinction Rebellion (XR) have been in St Ives staging elaborate protests highlighting the need for climate action as the G7 meets close by.

At 5am, XR’s ocean group, Ocean Rebellion, were on the beach to film washed up ‘Merpeople’ who had died because of the platic pollution in the seas. They were tangled up in old fishing nets and other oceanic debris.
A foghorn sounded to alert shipping, which would have been heard up to three miles away. There was very little police presence, with just a couple of officers looking on.
Later on in the morning, Extinction Rebellion staged a mock G7 conference with members playing the various global leaders, utilising both humour and pathos. Rather than taking any decisions, however, they set about re-arranging deckchairs on the beach, with the theme to Titanic playing in the background.
More protests are planned over the weekend.