Cornwall Council’s harbour masters are warning of the dangers of treating these areas of water like playgrounds. 

St Ives Harbour June 2019

Cornwall Council maritime manager, Chris Jones, said: “Some people are continuing to ignore safety signs banning diving, jumping into harbours, and swimming.

“Unfortunately, people don’t always appreciate that these by-laws and signs are there for a very good reason — to stop people getting seriously injured or even killed.”

Loïc Rich, chair of the Cornwall Harbours Board, added: “For their own safety, we are urging swimmers to stay away from harbours, which can get very busy, especially at this time of the year. We also see people tombstoning, which has gained lots of attention for the wrong reasons, with a number of people being seriously hurt across the country. 

 “We are asking anyone who is planning on jumping into the water to put their safety first. I’d also ask that parents keep track of their children’s activities and remind them of the dangers of tombstoning. 

“Submerged objects may not be visible, the depth of the water can dramatically change, and you don’t know what hazards may be lurking under the surface. Water temperature can also cause cold water shock, which makes it difficult to swim. Jumping from height into the water can and has caused serious injury and death.” 

If you do want to jump from height into the sea, the advice is to join a coasteering group with a professional and reputable adventure centre. A mix of scrambling, climbing, traversing, and cliff jumping around the coast with a professional guide means you can learn about the risks involved and have a good experience. 

If you or anyone gets into difficulties around our coast, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.