A masterplan to drive ‘transformational change’ for everyone who lives and works in Hayle over the next ten years is set to be drawn up in the next few months.

Hayle Community Action Group has been working on wide-ranging ideas to benefit the town, covering travel and movement, leisure and recreation, the natural environment, and economy and work.
To take these ideas forward, Hayle Town Council is now considering bids from consultancies interested in creating “an integrated spatial masterplan for the whole of the town centre to support coordinated transformational change”.
The council is encouraged by the success of the first Hayle Business Week, which took place earlier in the spring. The event offered a range of workshops and webinars on everything from marketing to wellbeing, along with and networking opportunities for local businesses.
Projects and events officer Julie Baldwin said: “It’s been really great to bring together the business community in Hayle. Hayle Town Council recognises the vital contribution local businesses make to our economy and we want to ensure that Hayle is a place where businesses can not only survive but thrive.”