Twenty-five students from St Ives School have taken part in a Mock G7, replicating the discussions held and decisions made by world leaders at their G7 Summit in Carbis Bay.

St Ives School students who took part in the Mock G7
The Mock G7 was delivered by the Future Leaders Network, the host of this year’s Youth 7 (Y7). It saw students sit around the very same table that world leaders used for their negotiations at the G7 Summit.
At the end of the programme, the students agreed the four actions that they would take to protect and conserve the world’s oceans if they were world leaders:
- Create marine conservation zones
- Develop electrical vessel capacity, including through locally-sourced materials
- Transition to biodegradable fishing nets
- Reduce plastic pollution, including through taxation
The Mock G7 programme was developed by the Future Leaders Network as part of its outreach and engagement plan around the UK’s G7 presidency. With funding from the UK Cabinet Office, it created an educational resource for schools to use to deliver a Mock G7 programme, wherever they are across the country.
Hundreds of schools across all four nations of the United Kingdom have committed to host their own Mock G7s between 7th and 25th June. St Ives School was selected to take part in the special event at Carbis Bay, in light of its geographical proximity and the disruption students experienced as a result of the summit’s strict security procedures.
Assistant head teacher, Melany Mugford, said: “This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience to take part in an inspirational event, which allowed the students to consider how important their voices are as young people in modern Britain.”
Madeline, a participating student, added: “I found it really interesting. We got to talk to seniors and our points were taken well. It was great to bring up issues which prevail in today’s society, especially around [the issue] of oceans.”
The realities of international democracy
Sophie Daud, chair of the Y7 2021, said: “Today, students from St Ives School literally took a seat at the G7 decision making table.
“Before today, for these students — who live just a stone’s throw away from Carbis Bay, where world leaders gathered this weekend — the G7 was just a distant occasion, bringing school closures, blocked roads, and helicopter sightings. Our event brought the G7 to life. It immersed them in the realities of international diplomacy, the challenges of negotiations, and the joys of constructive dialogue.
“It also showed them how young people’s voices genuinely can be heard. I was proud to be able to tell them that this year’s Y7 were directly responsible for mental health appearing in the leaders’ declaration, showing just how influential youth participation in decision making can be.
“Through our Mock G7 programme — which is also being hosted by hundreds of other schools across the country over the next fortnight — we hope to inspire and empower young people across the UK to know that their voice matters and can have a meaningful impact on the decisions of world leaders!”
Barbara Ellenbroek, Cornwall Council portfolio holder for children and families, said: “My role on the cabinet is to be the voice of young people, and I want them to challenge us when it comes to making decisions, because we can only make the right decisions if we all work together and discuss the options ahead of us.
“It was great to see so many young people engaged in healthy debate and ultimately working together to resolve their differences; it was truly inspiring.”