Proposals for new parking tariffs in Cornwall Council car parks will be amended following feedback from local communities.

Cornwall’s 135 pay and display and pay on foot car parks will continue to be grouped into one of three ‘zones’ with Zone A being the busiest areas which are well served by public transport and walking and cycle routes.
Reflecting the views of the public consultation, several car parks will now move to a different zone and charges will no longer be introduced between 1st November, 2023, and 31st March, 2024, in car parks which have previously been free during the winter.
The price of multi-session tickets will decrease by 50% for Zone A car parks, bringing the cost down to £2.50 per session/day. Multi-session tickets for Zone B car parks have also been cut, from £3 to £2 per session/day. The new tariffs will be introduced from the end of May.
Blue badge holders with adapted vehicles or vehicles exempt from car tax will continue to be able to park for free in Cornwall Council car parks.
Connor Donnithorne, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for transport, said: “The changes we have made to our initial proposals reflects the large number of responses we received from residents in Cornwall.
“Initiatives such as lower bus fares and the improvements we have made to walking and cycling routes provide a cheaper and greener way to travel, and I hope that those who can make changes to their journeys, will. However, I appreciate that this isn’t suitable for all — and at a time when wallets are increasingly stretched we have considered the needs of those who have no choice but to use our car parks on a regular basis and made changes to the cost of multi-session tickets.
“Income from car park charges not only helps to maintain car parks but also supports the Council’s wider transport service and without that income, we’d need to find other ways to generate that money.”