St Ives Surf Life Saving Club has announced that this year’s St Ives Biathlon, sponsored by Penwith College, will return on Saturday, 22nd June.

With a new registration and payment system streamlining registrations for this year’s event, along with the early date confirmation, organisers are aiming to enable more people to take part, while raising vital funds for and awareness of the surf life saving club.
“The St Ives Biathlon is a highlight in the St Ives calendar for many people — for those taking part and watching,” said Chris Simpson, chair of St Ives Surf Life Saving Club and biathlon event lead.
“There is a fantastic atmosphere in the town, and crowds gather to support the participants, particularly at the harbour where entrants start their runs.
“The Biathlon is a major fundraiser for SISLSC and involves the whole community. Not only does it raise awareness of our club, who train the lifeguards and lifesavers of the future, it helps to raise the money needed to run our facilities.
“The Biathlon is only possible with the support of local people and businesses, so we’re extremely grateful to Penwith College — which is part of Truro & Penwith College — for returning as our headline sponsor for another year, along with supporting sponsors. With everyone’s support and our new online registrations, we hope 2024 will be our biggest year yet.”
Many participants return to the popular event year on year, as part of their sporting calendar. Others travel from as far as America, motivated by a personal challenge or the desire to get the St Ives Biathlon under their belt.
This year marks 26 years since the event started, alongside the 66th anniversary of St Ives Surf Lifesaving Club, with the ,iathlon the charity’s flagship event raising funds and awareness, and attracting new members.
With new online entry, the event is expected to draw competitors locally and from all over the British Isles, plus international entries, across different categories, including the team event.
Category information and entries are available here.
The biathlon has fantastic marketing opportunities to offer, reaching a large audience through a variety of branding and communications channels, and there is still just about time to get on board.
Chris added: “There is still an opportunity for businesses to join as supporting sponsors, benefiting from the excellent marketing returns, whilst helping to raise funds for the club. Anyone interested would need to contact Helen Mulhern at urgently.”