Campaign to raise awareness of livestock worrying

Campaign to raise awareness of livestock worrying

Devon & Cornwall Police are supporting a national operation, launched by Cheshire Police, the RSPCA, and Naturewatch Foundation, to raise awareness of the impact of livestock worrying, and prevent attacks. During 2023, Devon & Cornwall Police received 140...

Increased incidents of livestock worrying reported

Police are reminding the public to keep dogs on leads when visiting open spaces this bank holiday after reports of livestock worrying. Livestock worrying is when a dog attacks or chases livestock. It is a criminal offence and can have a devastating impact on...
Dog restrictions on beaches in place for the summer

Advice for dog owners as summer beach restrictions end

Cornwall Council is reminding dog owners to act responsibly now that restrictions on many of beaches have come to an end. During the summer months, Cornwall Council enforces restrictions that prevent dogs from going on 43 beaches, which are all part of a Public Spaces...

Top tips to keep your dog safe at the beach this summer

Sean McCormack, head vet at dog food specialist, shares his top tips for keeping you and your dog safe. Beware of hot sand Sand can become extremely hot and reach dangerous temperatures during the summer months. Your dog’s sensitive paw pads could easily...