Work has been completed on the first highways scheme to be delivered as part of the St Ives Town Deal-funded Low Carbon Transport Strategy.

Left to right at the junction are: Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for economy; St Ives mayor, Johnnie Wells; Tom James, Cormac; Cornwall Council leader, Linda Taylor; project manager Charlotte Nash, from Ward Williams; and Andrew Baragwanath, chair of St Ives Town Deal board
The scheme, which has been constructed by Cormac, has involved widening the existing footway on the north west corner of the junction by the St Ives Harbour Hotel, and changing the signs and road markings to direct people towards Trenwith car park, rather than driving into the town.
“It is great to see these much-needed improvements provided at The Terrace,” said Andrew Baragwanath, chair of the St Ives Town Deal board. “This is a busy junction and I would like to thank all the partners who worked together to minimise disruption during the construction, and ensure that the scheme was completed as quickly as possible.
“The aim of the Transport Strategy is to reduce the impact of vehicles on St Ives and introduce measures that encourage walking, cycling, and the use of public transport.
“This scheme, which will make the area safer for pedestrians and help to discourage traffic from going through the town, is the first to be carried out as part of the Transport Strategy and I look forward to seeing further schemes delivered in the coming months.”
St Ives mayor, Johnnie Wells, added: “For as long as I can remember, traffic has been a nightmare in St Ives, and the last few seasons have been beyond chaotic. Reducing the number of vehicles in town is the key to improving accessibility in St Ives, and the Town Deal project has given us the funds and resources to think big and really get something done.
“I am so proud to be part of this project that has the potential to transform our town for the better… this is the first step towards that goal.”