A ‘confrontational’ solo exhibition by British artist and Royal Academician Tim Shaw us running at Anima Mundi, in St Ives, until 4th April.

Tim Shaw’s multi-media istallation The Birth of Breakdown Clown
Fág an Bealach (Clear theWay) brings together seemingly disparate strands from a number of Shaw’s most recent multimedia sculptural and installation projects, and presents them together under one physical and metaphorical roof.
Shaw is an artist schooled in the timeless traditions of heavy metal casting and academic modelling, however his approach to materials and subject matter are entirely current, often incorporating sound, light, and FX to immersive effect.
His affecting works are often dualistic, fusing contemporary allegories of societal conflict and human complexity with enduring mystical, mythical, metaphysical, spiritual, and primal concerns, in attempt to capture a wider sense of reality.
The tensions between nowness and the ancient, and between solidity and disintegration, are an organic part of his worldview, whether he’s looking at the atrocities of conflict or the transgression or enlightenment of ritualism.
Shaw currently lives in Cornwall.
• Read more about the exhibition on the Anima Mundi website.