A class in progress. Photograph: St Ives School of Painting
1st-3rd July: Beginners oil painting workshop with Greg Humphries.
5th-7th July: The Coastal Landscape workshop with Eleanor Crow.
8th-10th July: The Essence of Form workshops.
10th July: Discover Painting, an art class for beginners.
10th July: Instinct and Still Life workshop.
11th July: Love Drawing Landscape workshop.
12th-14th July: Painting the Coast Path workshop.
15th-17th July: Atmospheric Perspective — ‘Blueing of objects on the horizon course.
17th July: Liberating Landscape workshop.
18th July: Everyone Can Draw workshop.
19th-21st July: Artist Retreat Weekend.
22nd-25th July: Seascape Impressions in Watercolour.
24th July: St Ives in Line and Wash.
25th July: Love Drawing Landscape.
26th-28th July: Course in Barbara Hepworth’s Garden, mixed media.
26th-28th July: Painting Landscape with a Palette Knife.
26th July: Inked (seven-13 years).
29th-31st July: Mindful Ways to Abstraction.
31st July: Mixed Media Landscapes.
1st August: Oil Painting Essentials.
2nd-4th August: Intermediate Oil Painting.
5th-7th August: Dynamic Landscape in Oils.
7th August: Abstract Coastline.
8th August: Love Drawing Landscape.
9th August: Coast Colour and Collage, for seven to 13 year olds.
9th August: Discover Mixed Media.
10th August: Artist Landmarks — Zennor, with Hilary Jean Gibson.
13th August: Coastal Cyanotypes.
14th August: Botanical Relief Printing.
14th August: Mixed Media Landscapes.
15th August: Oil Painting Essentials.
16th-18th August: Pastel Painting — Porthmeor Seascapes.
19th-22nd August: Getting Started With Mixed media Landscape.
21st August: St Ives in Line and Wash.
22nd August: Mixed Media Landscapes.
23rd August: Simply Colour, for seven to 13 year olds.
23rd-25th August: Beginners’ Watercolour.
27th-29th August: Experimental, Abstract Landscapes.
28th August: Keeping It Simple.
29th August: Abstract Coastline.
30th August: Playful Print: Repeat Pattern, for seven to 13 year olds.
30th August-1st September: Where Sea Meets Land.