Children’s activities


29th November: Hayle Light Parade, 5.30pm from The Lido car park. » See preview

2nd December: Santa’s arrival by lifeboat and the switching on of Christmas lights in St Ives, 6pm. Plus, face painting and festive fun in The Library, 7.30pm-9.30pm.

8th December: Christingle Service at St John’s in-the-Fields Church, 3.15pm.

14th December: Old Man Winter and The Elves take over St Ives Library, 1.30pm.

19th December: Nadelik, a festive show for children and their families with live music and puppetry at St Ives Library, 4.30pm. Details and tickets here.



Little Ones at The Bridge
Toddler Café and Bump to One, at The Bridge, Hayle. Toddler Café runs from 9.30am-10.30am during term time and is free. A range of resources to support your child’s learning through play. You can also cosy up on a sofa or in a den to read a book with your little one. Bump to One runs from 10.45am-11.45am and is also free. Sensory toys and age-appropriate resources for your baby, and tea and coffee for you. Sessions for both age groups usually finish with a few songs. Find out more and book here.

Busy Bees Playgroup
At Carbis Bay Memorial Hall, 9.30am-11.30am. Details on the group Facebook page.


Baby and toddler group which meets weekly in term time, 10am-11.30am, at St John’s Church vicarage garden. All under-fives welcome — no need to book. More information on the church website.

1st St Ives Cubs
Meet at 6.30pm-8pm at Ayr Field, St Ives, during term time.


Little Ones On The Beach
From 9.30am-10.30am in term time. Fresh air and a chance to play in the dunes while making new friends. Park for free near Lula’s, near to which the group is based. Arrive whenever you like and follow the handprint signs. Find out more and book here.

Rhyme Time
At Hayle Library, 10am and 11am.

Rhyme Time
At St Ives Library, 10.45am. Thirty minutes of music, singing, and stories for pre-school children.

At St Ives Salvation Army, Wharf Road, 5pm. For information, call 01736 797746.

1st St Ives Beavers
Meet from 6.30pm-7.45pm at Ayr Field, St Ives, during term time.


Little Ones Go Exploring
From 9.30am-11am in term time. Meet at Gwithian Green for a little walk and some pond dipping. Parking is free — arrive whenever suits. Find out more and book here.

Carbis Bay Scouts
Beavers meet at the Scout Hut, Porthrepta Road, from 5pm-6.15pm, followed by Cub meetings from 6.30pm-8pm. To find out more, contact Ian White on 07776 328229 or email


At the St Ives Salvation Army, Wharf Road, 9.30am. For information call 01736 797746.

Tots in the Fields
Baby group, meeting at St Johns in the Fields, 10.30am-11.30am. £1 per session. Starting 11th March, 2022, and every two weeks thereafter. Details on the group’s Facebook page.

Youth Club
At St Ives Salvation Army Hall, Wharf Road, 7.30pm. For information, call 01736 797746.