Leach Ellie Woods

Leach Pottery | Ellie Woods graduation exhibition

Neil Canning Coast Road

New Craftsman Gallery | Neil Canning and Jack Doherty

Arthur Lanyon Moon View TS

Anima Mundi | Arthur Lanyon on his new show

Martyn Perryman Summer Glow

Porthminster Gallery | Sea Breezes

Sarah Woods Cornwall studio

New Craftsman Gallery | Sarah Woods and Maria Kristofersson

Emily Powell Dartmoor

New Craftsman Gallery | Emily Powell and Matthew Chambers

John Bedding Matthew Tyas

Leach Pottery | John Bedding, 60 Years On

Mark Rothko Seagram

Tate St Ives | Mark Rothko: Seagram Murals

Meatriz Milhazes Maresias

Tate St Ives | Beatriz Milhazes: Maresias

Nicole harbour

Music | The Cornish Lark has new songs to sing

Bryan Pearce diary

St Ives Archive | The diaries of artist Bryan Pearce

St Ives Stitches Jo

A stitch in time | One group’s unique view of St Ives